مجتمع الخريجين

يوجد تواصل ما بين الخريجين السابقين وزملائهم الخريجون الجدد ومع بعضهم البعض حسب الاهتمام والتخصص عبر السنوات المختلفة ، ويقاس ذلك من خلال المناسبات المختلفة والاستبيانات التي توزع .  يهدف خريجونا السابقين إلى دعم زملائهم  بالمعرفة والمهارات ؛ ومشاركة الأهداف والإنجازات ؛ كذلك التواصل وتعزيز روح الوحدة والولاء بين الخريجين بعضهم ببعض. هذا اللقاء يخلق ويحافظ على التعلم والتواصل مدى الحياة بين الكلية وخريجيها.

تواصل معنا:

الخدمات المتبادلة

الخدمات المتبادلة بين الخريجين والكلية:

Benefits and Services

  • Events and Reunions: the alumni organize and facilitate social and professional gatherings, including alumni meetings
  • Request for Consultation and Guidance: provide valuable information on academic or career opportunities
  • Utilization of Institute Facilities:  the alumni are free to approach the institute to utilize various resources including the library and MML resources, to enhance their skills in the respective areas of their professional life. 
  • Student-Alumni Contact: support the students through various mentoring activities either by participating in on-campus lectures or through online personal interactions
  • Access to Alumni Database: the members can have access to the alumni database, where they can update their personal information and keep in touch with the institute.
  • The Alumni provides opportunities to the members to volunteer as a student mentors, help organize alumni events,  and share their expertise by being guest speakers
  • Life-long Learning: enjoy guest lectures, discussion sessions and professional development activities
  • Access to Resources: provides access to photos and other records of graduation ceremonies.
  • E-services: the alumni can benefit from the e-services available to the prospective alumni.

  • 1.      Life-long Learning: enjoy guest lectures, discussion sessions and professional development activities.

    2.      Student-Alumni Contact: support the students through various mentoring activities either by participating in on-campus lectures or through online personal interactions.

    3.      Events and Reunions: the alumni organize and facilitate social and professional gatherings, including alumni meetings.

    4.      Request for Consultation and Guidance: provide valuable information on academic or career opportunities.

    5.      Access to Resources: provides access to photos and other records of graduation ceremonies.

    6.      E-services: the alumni can benefit from the e-services available to the prospective alumni.

    7.      Access to Alumni Database: the members can have access to the alumni database, where they can update their        personal information and keep in touch with the branch.

    8.      Utilization of branch Facilities:  the alumni are free to approach the college branch to utilize various resources including the library and MML resources, to enhance their skills in the respective areas of their professional life.

    9.       The Alumni provides opportunities to the members to volunteer as a student mentors, help organize alumni events,  and share their expertise by being guest speakers,