الأنشطة البحثية

Research Activities

# Title Download
1 A study to indentify faculty’s use of active learning strategies (ALS) and their perceived barriers to its use in the classrooms of nursing institutes in sultanate of Oman
2 "The intensive care unit as a challenging clinical experience: a student perspective". "Psycho-linguistic Inquiry on the Reading Skill of Foundation Students: Input for Quality Nursing Education". "Co relational study of the perceived image and attitude on nursing as a profession as viewed by nursing students in North Batinah Region".
3 Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perception of Effective Clinical Instructor: Oman
4 Topic- "Nursing student’s perception of clinical teaching, teacher's behaviors and its influence on learning"
5 Pressure ulcer management in Oman: Nurses knowledge and views -
6 Choosing the appropriate Statistical tools in Research and interpretation of computed results" –Regional seminar
7 Need Analysis survey
8 Research staff profile form developed by the committee
9 test
10 اختبار1
11 الأنشطة البحثية