OCHS/Dhofar Branch has various collaboration with higher education institutions in Dhofar Governorate and community-based institutions.
Directorate of Education in Dhofar Governorate
1. Provides part-time lecturers to teach two compulsory courses (Islamic Culture and Arabic Language) and one elective course (Sign Language)
2. Helping OCHS/Dhofar Branch to have school clinical placement activities for community health nursing
3. School sending their students to OCHS/Dhofar Branch for Professional guidance
4. Faculty from the College performing First Aid Class for school teacher
5. Students participate in providing health education to the schools of various levels
Royal Oman Police
- Annually giving a lecture to the students and faculty on GCC weekOCHS/Dhofar Branch & ROP.
- Participate together in the Health Exhibition on World Health day
Civil Defense
- Fire Evacuation drill and regular follow up of fire safety is been conducted on an annual basis
Salalah International Airport
- The students and the faculty provide first Aids training for the employee
College of Applied Science
1. Active participation in the College open days and other educational activities
2. Participate with OCHS/Dhofar Branch by providing Guest speaker in workshops.
Al Wafa Center
1. Provide opportunities for OCHS/Dhofar Branch students to gain knowledge and interact with children with special needs.
2. Salalah Municipality
Collaborate with the municipality for community services & Khareef festival.
3. Oman Cancer Association
Students participate in providing lecture about cancer awareness for the community and help in the walkathon.
4. Private Sectors:
- Organization of some events & CPD activities by providing a venue.
- Students visited companies for occupational health and environmental safety.
- Sponsoring companies for student’s events.