The purpose of the Critical Care Nursing in Pediatric and Neonatology Program is certainly to prepare a nurse-specialist at post graduate level (level 5) for an active and expanded role in the deliverance of critical care nursing to neonates, children and families through the application of advance/evidence based practices within religious, ethical, legal and trans-cultural contexts in collaboration with related stakeholders. The program’s purpose is consistent with the aims of the Ministry of Health, Directorate of Nursing and Midwifery Affairs, Directorate General of Human Resources Development and Oman Quality Framework

  • Objective 1

    At the completion of the program, the students should be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Objective 2

    1. Scholarly acquire advanced knowledge in critical care nursing which is needed in the provision of quality care to pediatric or neonatal patients and their families.

  • Objective 3

    2. Function in collaboration with the other members of the health care team within the complex critical care milieu in providing an advance level of nursing care to critically ill pediatric or neonatal patients and their families.

  • Objective 4

    3. Enhance and maintain the standard of care in pediatric and neonatal critical care settings through the deliverance of culturally sensitive, safe and high-quality advance nursing care grounded by evidence-based practice.

  • Objective 5

    4. Professionally develop through scholastic research involvement employing innovations attuned with quality improvement and the advancement of critical care nursing practice.

  • Objective 6

    5. Critically evaluate professional development competence of self and others and participate in inter-professional working practice, peer support, leadership, preceptorship, teaching and health promotion activities.

  • Objective 7

    6. Proficiently develop the characteristics of independent lifelong learners, competent decision-makers, and change agents within their specialty.

  • Objective 8

    7. Critically integrate the knowledge, skills and attitude learnt/acquired from the program in the clinical practice.

Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing in Paediatrics & Neonatology - 2020
Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing in Paediatrics & Neonatology - 2021
Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing in Paediatrics & Neonatology - 2017
Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing in Paediatrics & Neonatology - 2023
Postgraduate Diploma in Critical Care Nursing in Paediatrics & Neonatology - 2022