Student Council
The Student Council is the official body for representing students’ views and needs to the management of the Oman College of Health Sciences - North Sharqiya Branch. The members of Student Council play a very important role at the Nursing College. Members help share their peers’ ideas, interests, and concerns with the college. The key characteristics of the Student council are unity, responsibility, and leadership. The members try to incorporate these values into everything they do.
Council Members
The student council of Oman College of Health Sciences - North Sharqiya Branch comprises of chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and other members representing all years. They are elected by all the students of Oman College of Health Sciences - North Sharqiya Branch. They are involved in various activities and issues related to their curricular and co-curricular activities.
Council Members
Sub Committee
In order for the council to achieve its objectives through students' involvement in planning and organizing annual activities, it formulates subcommittees to plan and oversee specific Council activities. Subcommittees are required to submit their plan to the Council for approval and should report back to the Council on their activities.