Student Council
The Student Council is an elected body, set up in the begging of semester one comprising of student representatives of Oman College of Health Science-South Sharqiya Branch. The elected members of the council should have an interest in educational, social, cultural, sports or scientific activities. The elected students may discuss their issues and problems, and present them before the associate dean or designated person for action/approval.
The head of the students committee and some members will be a part of the relevant college committees like Community outreach, Health and safety committee, Joint college service committee etc.
Council Members
The student council of Oman College of Health Sciences-South Sharqiya Branch comprises of a head, a deputy head, secretary and members from all four years and foundation. They are elected by all the students of OCHS_SSB. They are involved in various activities and issues related to their curricular and co-curricular activities.
The Student Council is the official body for representing students’ needs within the structure of the branch. The members of Student Council play a very important role at the branch. The members help share their peers’ ideas, interests, and concerns with the branch. The key characteristics of the Student council are unity, responsibility, and leadership. The members try to incorporate these values into everything they do.
Council Members
Sub Committee
The sub committees provide representation and support for the student’s council. They are formed to address specific needs of the council. The subcommittee provide a representative structure through which students can debate issues of concern and undertake initiatives of benefit to the student council. The subcommittee looks into events, concerns and issues related to their committee and report periodically to the student council and takes necessary action regarding it.